Filmora Scrn is a powerful screen recording and editing tool that lets you record and edit your gameplay videos, tutorials, online courses and more quickly and easily in one place. Feb 22, 2021 The Wondershare Filmora Scrn record code seamlessly records your screen and also records other external devices as well as audios. There is an unlimited choice, so use the Filmora Scrn editing kit and attach or add webcam videos to your main shots. You can show your face and include your voice while recording.
Filmora Scrn for Windows. Top-notch editing tools and options. WonderShare Co., Ltd. Top Screen Capture. ISpring Free Cam. A free and efficient. Jul 02, 2019 Nowadays, there are plenty of screen recording software available on the market for different recording needs. Among them, the Wondershare Filmora Scrn is a much more powerful software with some advanced features, but you’ll have to pay for it. Let’s check out to see if it’s worth the money.
Although video continues to be a powerful medium to distribute content and spread awareness, it’s not always easy to create qualitycontent, and share it on sites such as YouTube, especially when you need to record a gaming session on your computer, or even a Skypevideo session, or a webinar. What can be more confusing? The fact that there are a thousand programs out there that promise everythingunder the sun, but once you start using them, you wished there was something better available. Well, it does look like you shouldexplore Wondershare’s Filmora Scrn.
Filmora Scrn is from Wondershare, a company based in Guangdong, China that creates media programs. You candownload a trial version ofFilmora Scrn from their site.My contact at Wondershare for this review was Flora - thank you, Flora.
Follow these steps to see a quick walkthrough of using Filmora Scrn:
Wondershare Filmora Scrn Bugsplat
- Download the trial version or purchase a licensed version of Filmora Scrn, and run the install program, as shown inFigure 1, below.
Figure 1: Install Filmora Scrn
Once you finish installing, Filmora Scrn prompts you to run the program for the first time (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Run Filmora Scrn - You next see the Filmora Scrn opening dialog, as shown in Figure 3, below.
Figure 3: Running Filmora Scrn for the first time
There are three options:
Get Started: This option lets you choose a recording area, decide whether you are recording onscreen activity or agame, and more.
Quick Capture: Lets you start capturing your onscreen activity almost immediately, with your last usedsettings.
Video Editor: Lets you open your existing capture projects
We chose the first option, Get Started because we wanted to explore all the options that Filmora Scrn provides. - You now see the interface shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The interface
There are 3 tabs in this screen: Screen, Audio, and Camera. We explain options within these tabs:
Screen: Here you can decide whether you want to record a regular Screen Capture, or if you want to capture a Game.If you choose to capture a Game, you get options to select a game that’s active on your system and also choose a frame rate (seeFigure 5).
Figure 5: Game captures with Scrn
One of Scrn’s best features is that it allows you to capture your gameplay at higher framerates such as 120fps. The following embeddedvideo provides a good introduction to Scrn’s game capture abilities.
Audio: Here you can choose your audio source (microphone), and whether you want to capture audio at all(see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Audio capture in Filmora Scrn
Camera: You can also choose to capture a secondary video source from your webcam to go along with your capture.Filmora Scrn copes up well with high resolutions and frame rates (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Capture your webcam output
When you are happy with the settings you choose, press the blue Capture… button. - You’ll now see the Capture panel, as shown in Figure 8, below. To start the capture, you will usethe F10 keyboard shortcut, which also stops an ongoing capture. Similarly, the F9 keyboardshortcut pauses and resumes captures.
Figure 8: The Capture Panel - Once your capture is done, press F10 to bring up the Your Clips screen, as shown inFigure 9.
Figure 9: Your Clips
You can now clilck the Go button to open your clips in the Editor screen. You can also click the dropdown list in this screen toonly export selected clips, or even export clips as local files (see Figure 10). The last option is somethingyou will choose if you do not want to use Filmora Scrn’s video editing options.
Figure 10: Choose how you want to use your clips - We chose the Export all clips to editor option and this loads the editor, as shown in Figure 11,below. This is a great environment to edit, annotate, and export your videos.
Figure 11: The Filmora Scrn editing environment
The video embedded below shows some power tools and advanced editing options. - You are next ready to export your video. To do so, choose the Export | Create Video.. option. This brings up the Export dialogthat you can see in Figure 12, below. Notice that you can export as MP4, MOV, and animated GIF files. For eachfile type, you can choose encoding, resolutions, FrameRates, BitRates, etc.
Figure 12: Export your video - Filmora Scrn will now export your video, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Converting your file
Wondershare Filmora Scrn Torrent
Filmora Scrn is an amazing capture program for gamers as well as other users and gives you a direct step-by-step wizard styleinterface so that there’s now way that you cannot succeed. I wish Filmora Scrn existed all these years!
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