Sc2 Not Available When Initializing Game Mode

This is a known issue and I have been struggling with it since I tried to start playing sc2 again in the past few days. When I go into game nothing loads or connects and options to queue for games are grayed out. Match history and other parts of the profile don’t load either. Only campaign is playable. There is a Blizz support article on the issue here as this has been a known issue for years:
I have tried all of the troubleshooting from this article plus allowing sc2 through all firewalls, disabling security, disabling firewalls, running battle net and sc2 as admin on my admin account, scan and repair, and reinstalling. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? Very frustrating to only be able to play campaign. Thanks

  1. Sc2 Not Available When Initializing Game Mode Fortnite

To sum it up, not all units in the single player campaign are available for multiplayer to maintain balance. However, custom games may allow you usage of those units through Galaxy Editor. Just create a map that allows you to use these units. Be aware, however, that custom games are unranked and is only for fun. Unless you play very competitive SC2 matches, then I would not worry about it. Or buy SSD if it really bothers you. I edited away the loading screen:P But i still think this is an issue that should not be there, because starcraft2 is the only game that has this issue for me. And i play loads of other games (and ALOT more demanding games aswell).

Sc2 Not Available When Initializing Game ModeSc2 Not Available When Initializing Game Mode

'Allows initializing the bot when the game data is available.' ' pass: async def onstep (self, iteration: int): 'Ran on every game step (looped in realtime mode).' ' raise NotImplementedError: def onend (self, gameresult: Result): 'Ran at the end of a game.' ' pass: class CanAffordWrapper. StarCraft II WCS. World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. Button says 'Not Available While Initializing Game Mode'.

Sc2 Not Available When Initializing Game Mode Fortnite

Based on this behavior, it seems like there’s likely some configuration issues that might be causing problems properly connecting to the Starcraft II game servers. Have you tried testing to see if an alternative connection or VPN might be work around the issue? This should help narrow down if the connection routing or configuration might be.

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