- Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Download
- Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Program
- Manual Uninstall Net Nanny App
- Uninstall Net Nanny
- Uninstall Net Nanny Windows 10
Please follow the steps below to remove Net Nanny manually, if you have any questions or concerns while following these instructions please contact support@netnanny.com
Manual removal steps IMPORTANT: Before you continue, make sure that the McAfee services are stopped. This action is described in step 1 of the instructions above. This step describes how to remove McAfee Agent with the use of frminst.exe and the /forceuninstall switch. Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Machine Net Nanny is a helpful third-party software that provides computer users with many useful features and tools. However, many users got difficulty and problem in uninstalling it from the computer. Below, we have listed possible problems when uninstalling Net Nanny Remove the word 'wndrv16.dll' from the 'drivers=' line. (If there are other words listed on the 'drivers=' line, leave them there, just remove 'wndrv16.dll'.) Save changes to the file and restart your computer, and Net Nanny is gone for good! Method 2 1: (note: this may only apply to the win3.x version). A simple web search for “uninstall Net Nanny from a Mac?” shows that Net Nanny has instructions for how to uninstall Net Nanny for Mac on their web site. Net Nanny for Mac FAQs 8. Please subscribe, like the video if you have any questions leave them in the comments!:).
1) Go to the Start Menu => Run.
2) Click on “Browse”. This will bring up the Windows Explorer.
3) Double-click on the C drive, then double-click on the Program Files, then double-click on the Net Nanny folder.
4) You should now see NNsvc.exe. Double-click on this file. This will close the Explorer window and take you back to Run.
5) You should now see this:
'C:Program FilesNet NannyNNSvc.exe'
6) Type a space after the last quote mark, then type /unregserver. It should look like this:
'C:Program FilesNet NannyNNSvc.exe' /unregserver
7) Click on “Ok”. This will close the run box.
8) Go to the Start Menu => Run.
9) Type regedit and press “OK”. This will open up the Registry Editor.
Please exercise extreme caution in doing the following steps. ANY CHANGES MADE TO THE REGISTRY ARE PERMANENT AND CANNOT BE REVERSED. Changes can also disable your Windows installation, so please be careful!
10) You should see 'My Computer' and 5 drop-down keys, all starting with HKEY_.
11) Click on the + sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This will drop down another series of keys.
12) Click on the + sign next to SOFTWARE. This will drop down another series of keys.
13) Click on the + sign next to Microsoft. This will drop down another series of keys.
14) Click on the + sign next to Windows. This will drop down another series of keys.
15) Click on the + sign next to CurrentVersion. This will drop down another series of keys.
16) Click on the + sign next to Uninstall. This will drop down another series of keys.
Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Download
17) You should now see the {51945e07-120d-4e78-a368-c4c8d5042d21} key. Click on it to select it.18) Make sure you have the correct key. The full key is:
19) Now right-click on the {51945e07-120d-4e78-a368-c4c8d5042d21} key. This will bring up a menu.
20) Select “delete”.
Use the same method as above to remove the rest of the necessary registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServicesNNSvc (this key will only exist if you are using Windows 98 or ME)
21) Once all 3 keys are removed (or 4 keys if you are using Windows 98/ME), close the registry editor by clicking on the X at the top right corner of the screen.
Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Program
22) Restart the computer.
23) Right-click on the Start menu and go to “explore”. This will bring up the Windows Explorer again.
24) Find and delete:
• C:Program FilesNet Nanny and all its files and subfolders
The Windows System may be different depending on which Operating System you are using: On Windows NT or 2000 => C:WINNTSYSTEM32 On Windows XP => C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32
Manual Uninstall Net Nanny App
On Windows 98 or ME => C:WINDOWSSYSTEM* If those files won’t delete because “they are in use or busy”, just press ctrl + alt + del, go into the Task Manager and stop all of the NN processes.
25) Restart the computer.
26) Net Nanny should now be gone. If Net Nanny is still showing in the Start menu, you can right-click on it and choose “delete”.
Your generous donations help keep this site online! |
(to get around government-imposed or other IP-based censorship, go here.)
Disabling most censorware on Windows ME
Windows ME reportedly has a system restore feature that lets you revert your system to a previous configuration. If you can use this to revert it to a day before the censorware was installed, viola! No more censorware.
how to disable AOL Parental Controls
Prior to AOL version 6, blocked sites can be accessed by placing a dot '.' at the end of the URL. For example: to access http://controversialsite.com/ enter it as http://controversialsite.com/. to bypass the filter. See this(The fix may also have been implemented server-side, making this work for NO versions of the software. Please let me know if you have success with this or not, and what version of AOL's software you are using.)
(Note: the address http://controversialsite.com is used for purposes of example only. At the time of this writing, there is no site by this name.)
how to disable Cyber Patrol 4! (and some earlier):- Method 1:
- Back up the files c:patrolcyber.bin and c:patrolcyber.not (rename them to cyber.censor and cyber.naugty, or whatever, so the program won't find them)
- Create a zero-byte file named cyber.not to replace the one you renamed. You can do this by right-clicking in Windows 95 and selecting New... -> Text Document and renaming the resulting file to cyber.not, or by opening Notepad and saving a blank file by the same name.
- Restart your computer (if you hold down SHIFT when selecting the 'shut down' command, it will just restart Windows, which is all you need). When Windows reappears Cyber Patrol will notice it's been tampered with, and recreate its cyber.bin file in a slightly different version (but it won't recreate the list of blocked sites!!)
- Restart Windows again. Now you have uncensored access to the 'Net.
The now-infamous cp4break, or 'The Breaking of Cyber Patrol (R) 4' whitepaper, contains this paragraph on forcibly removing the Cyber Patrol 4 censorship from your computer. The short and sweet version is as follows (you may want to print these instructions before trying to disable the software): Exit Windows (go to MS-DOS mode) so that you can move important Windows files around without any worry about the files being in use. Cyber Patrol 4 will have overwritten your system's original 'system.drv' file with its own, cheat-protected version, and renamed your original file to 'system.386'. Find 'system.386' and rename it to 'system.drv', overwriting the CP version. This done, you can safely reboot the computer to remove the rest of the CP files without setting off any anti-hacker protection. You can now remove the load entry (FltProcess) it placed in your WIN.INI and the other load entry (FltProcess) in the Registry. If you are trying to bypass an unregistered version of CP 4, try entering omed as your password. omed is 'demo' spelled backwards. Talk about your high security. The cp4break document also goes into much detail about the cryptography (if you can reasonably call it that) used to keep the blocklist secret, and how this can be circumvented. Although the document itself is perfectly legal, hot-headed lawyers from Mattel (R) (yes, the same company that makes Barbies), which owns the CP program, have gone to some length to censor this paper from the Internet by harassing ISPs with various threats. If you are afflicted with Cyber Patrol and cannot access the downloads here, there are |
You can use cphack.exe to decrypt much of what is in the encoded CP configuration files--including the passwords needed to disable the censorware.
For more info regarding the CPHack program and cp4break, and the lawsuits that have sprung up surrounding it, see the ACLU press release, the opinionated Slashdot article w/ comments, Politechbot's coverage (w/ legal docs), and especially the homepage of Matthew Skala, who co-wrote the cp4break file (not cphack, which is a different program) and reached the infamous '$1 settlement' with Mattel, clears up many misconceptions surrounding the issue.
For older versions:
For Windows2: Peacefire.org produces a program that disables most blocking software made before 12/17/2000.
For Windows1: Download this set of Windows batch files for enabling and disabling Cyber Patrol. Once installed, type DISABLE in MS-DOS mode to kill the program, and ENABLE to return it to its original form.
Method 22: (This will disable Cyber Patrol's blocking features without uninstalling the program)
Method 3:
Use what's known as the Jack Harris Method © to take advantage of a situation where the program temporarily lets down its defenses to tampering. This file also covers the 'Dummy Default' to trick your parents/sysadmin/boss into thinking the program is still running when it's disabled.
how to disable CYBERsitter 2002: Jeremy Rand informs me that the 'permanent' removal procedure for CYBERsitter 2000, below, also works for the 2002 edition. The 'per-session' method, however, does not.
how to disable CYBERsitter 2000:
Andrew shares the following tips for disabling CYBERsitter 2000.This procedure disables CS2000 on a session-by-session basis (e.g. until you reset the computer or change users) ...1) click start~run and type regedit, then press enter. this will open the registry editor.
2) navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProviders.
3) delete the key 'net98'.
you are now filter-free. (note: this must be done every time you start windows or change users.)
This procedure disables the censorware permanently (e.g. remains disabled if you reboot the computer, change users, etc.)
1) run regedit.
2) navigate to
3) delete any instances of 'C2K'
You will probably need to restart the computer for the above to take effect.
Riley Shea has a webpage that details a method for obtaining the CYBERsitter 2000 master password. You can then use this password to bypass the program. It also explains how to remove tattletale entries from the program's logfiles. This process involves the installation of a known Trojan Horse, so this procedure is aimed at computer gurus only--preferably ones with a 'sacrificial' PC for such an occasion. See How to completely stop cybersitter2000! for details.
Warning!! Part of this process involves installing Sub Seven, a nasty Trojan program that can give others access to your computer. Once you retrieve the password you must remove Sub Seven from your system to prevent unauthorized access. See a free removal utility here. Simply deleting the Sub Seven files will not rid you of the Trojan. Again, this procedure is for gurus only.
how to disable CYBERsitter (older versions):
- Method 12:
- Hit ctrl-alt-del and end task 'Tcpwait'
- Go into the C:windows directory.
- Create a temporary folder c:windowsholderand move the file 'cywin0.opt' to the temporary folder.
- Restart any Internet applications running. CYBERsitter's blocking will no longer be in effect.
To disable CYBERsitter 97 (sorry, this won't work with v2.12 or the proxy-server version):
( * Note that the above text is a graphic banner. This is to prevent CYBERsitter from detecting the words and censoring them out. To spread this information on your own pages in a manner in which CYBERsitter 'victims' will be able to read it, you will need to display it as a graphic.)
Method 22:
Download this small program (written by Saruman of DFR Rese*rch & Engineering). It contains a program to display CYBERsitter 97's master password and another to decrypt its blockfiles and let you see exactly what is being blocked by this software:
Method 31:
CYBERsitter inserts its settings in Windows' win.ini file, but before it does, it saves a backup copy as win.cyb in your Windows directory (same place as win.ini). To disable CYBERsitter, rename win.ini to something you'll remember (win.censor, for example) and rename win.cyb to win.ini.
If you've installed other software after CYBERsitter was installed on your system, the setup processes of these programs may have made their own entries to win.ini (the one with all the cybersitter crap in it) and may not run properly if you swap in the copy of win.ini without these settings. In this case, instead of renaming the win.cyb file, open your existing win.ini file (remember, make a backup copy first!!!) and delete the sections [TCPIP User] and [TCPIP Settings], as well as the line load=TCPWAIT.EXE, which should be near the beginning of the file. Your win.ini will look something like this:
... load=TCPWAIT.EXE (delete this line) ... ... (other stuff in between, just ignore it) [TCPIP User] (Delete this entire section) [TCPIP Settings] (Delete this entire section too) |
Method 41
This will disable CYBERsitter's blocking of websites. (Unfortunately, CYBERsitter will still log all accesses and may censor individual 'offensive' words.)
To prevent inappropriate sites/words from being found in your CYBERsitter logs:
- The logfile will be named cywin.alt and probably in your Windows directory (if not, use search to find it). It will be labeled as read-only to prevent other programs from modifying it; to fix this in Windows 95 right-click on the file and select Properties..., then uncheck the read-only attribute in the infobox that appears. (In MS-DOS, use attrib -r cywin.alt). The file can now be opened and modified in Wordpad or another text editor. You could also overwrite the file with a 'clean' version you've saved from another surfing session.
How to disable Cyber Snoop:
- Method 1:
- Start setup from your installation file or CD-ROM.
- When prompted, select Custom Setup.
- From the Custom setup menu select only Application Files and Help Files.
- Continue through remainder of installation.'
The following taken directly from the CyberSnoop help file under the subject of 'Forgotten Password':
'If the administrative password is forgotten or Cyber Snoop application files are missing, Cyber Snoop must be reinstalled. To re-install Cyber Snoop while monitoring is On:
how to disable Eyeguard 'flesh tone' scanning program
As described:
Basically you install it and it checks your screen for flesh colours, it can then either just log it or lock your screen. It's pretty crappy as it would lock out on kids bare feet (people seem to have a passion to baby pictures on their desktops, uurgh), and scanned Financial Times articles (a browny paper we have in the uk).
Disabling this program simply involves killing it off in Windows Ctrl-Alt-Del task menu (or Wintop). The prog. apparently uses Rundll32 to do its dirty work.
How to disable Net Nanny:- First things first, there is reportedly an 'in-case-Mommy-forgot-the-password' backdoor to the program (some or all versions). Try ~frontdoor as your password. Thanks Jonathan G. for the tip.
Net Nanny Version 4.0: In Windows 98 or Windows ME, click Start > Run, and type msconfig in the box to start a Windows configuration tool. Go to the Startup tab, which displays a list of programs that run at startup. Uncheck the entries for 'nntray.exe'and 'NNSvsc', then restart. Net Nanny disabled! Thanks Jon M. for the info.
Method 11,2:
To disable Net Nanny for a single session in Windows 95, press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to bring up the Close Program dialogue. Depending on the version of Net Nanny you are afflicted with, either OCRAWARE or Wnldr32 will appear on the list. Select whichever is listed and press End Task.
To disable it more permanently, try some of these methods of getting rid of it for good:
Method 12:
Open the file c:windowssystem.ini. Under the section marked '[boot]', there should be a line labeled 'drivers=' with some stuff listed after it. Remove the word'wndrv16.dll' from the 'drivers=' line. (If there are other words listed on the 'drivers=' line, leave them there, just remove 'wndrv16.dll'.) Save changes to the fileand restart your computer, and Net Nanny is gone for good!
Method 21: (note: this may only apply to the win3.x version):
Open the file config.sys (it should be in your c: directory) and look for the line DEVICE=C:NNNNDRV.SYS. This is the net nanny driver. To prevent it from loading type REM in front of this line, so it appears as REM DEVICE=C:NNNNDRV.SYS. (REM stands for Remark; it tells the computer not to process that line because it is a user-inserted remark or comment.) Reboot to eliminate the copy of NN resident in memory, and you'll be censor-free! Net Nanny will no longer load when you restart your system.
To clear Net Nanny's log file:
Delete the file Wnn3.log (it should be in your Net Nanny directory). Note that you can't open the file and delete individual entries, because the file is encrypted.
Also be sure to check out the essays by Eddy/Saruman (one of the original CyberSitter crackers) on reverse-engineering Net Nanny and CyberSitter.
How to disable SurfWatch:
- Method 12:
- Remove the shortcuts to 'SurfWatch' (and possibly 'SurfWatch Updater') from the StartUp folder.
- Open the win.ini file and replace the line
- Run regedit.exe to edit the Windows 95 Registry and delete the key 'GraphicsFilter', which is a subkey of
- Restart the computer in DOS mode. Move to the c:windowssystem directory and type:
- Type 'win' to start Windows again. If it tells you 'Windows is still running one or more MS-DOS based programs...' try typing 'exit'.
Download peacefire.org's universal censorware bypass
Method 22: Permanently uninstalls SurfWatch from your computer. (This information taken word-for-word directly from Peacefire.)
load= C:CO_RO_NTsurfctl.exe
with just
The value of this key will be 'C:CO_RO_NTsurfctl.exe'. Delete it before continuing.
attrib -h -r -s system.drv
attrib -h -r -s net.drv
move system.drv system.bak
move net.drv system.drv
SurfWatch will now be disabled on your computer. Reverse all of the steps above to re-enable it.
How to disable WinSelect
Jack B reports that Winselect can be disabled by doing the following:
- Go to Start > Run, and type msconfig in the box that appears (Win98/ME only - on other Windows versions, it may be necessary to remove its Start-up reference by hand). Un-select it on the 'Startup' tab.
- Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up the Task Manager. Highlight WinSelect and press 'End Task'.
Ideas for getting around a Proxy Filter (such as BESS):
There is a special type of censorware that works by acting as a proxy between your browser and the Internet. What this means is, when you request a page thru your browser, the censorware requests the page off the 'Net, verifies that it's 'clean', then passes it on to the browser. Some methods of trying to get around a Proxy censorware are as follows:- Look at your browser's Proxy Settings, and see if the censorware is listed and see if it can be removed. The censorware makers have probably thought of this, but it never hurts to try the simple stuff first.
- If trying to access a blocked page, try accessing it thru an anonymizing proxy server. Unfortunately the censorware makers have thought of this too, and so the biggest and well-known anonymizers (anonymizer.com, etc.) may be blocked by the program. If possible, find one that encodes the URL being requested. Alternatively, try piping the restricted URL thru the Akamai server's forwarding scheme as
described on this Peacefire page(here I'm using this method to link to the site to bypass censorware filters, in lieu of stealing any page and reposting it here). Note that most proxies will not work against CYBERsitter, which filters by keywords instead of URLs. - Use the site's numerical IP address (see the Worldspy workaround page for instructions on getting a site's numeric address). Also, try using this numeric address in combination with a proxy server such as the Akamai proxy as described above.
- Try some of the URL-encoding suggestions on the
PC-Help URL Obfuscation page. This information is intended for tracing spammers who encode their fraud-page addresses, but has proven successful is bypassing many a stupid censorware filter. (To access any blocked page http://controversialsite.com/controversialpage.html, try http://blahblah@controversialsite.com/controversialpage.html) - Check out
SASIC's Bypass Tools. - Try accessing through a cache or translation service.
Googleserves cached versions of pages; try entering cache:http://www.blockedsite.com in a Google search.Web.archive.orgalso provides a cache. Google also provides a language translator, as doSystransoftandAltaVista. Enter the blocked site as the URL to be translated (even if it is already in your language). - See below, under 'BESS proxy filter'. Some of the BESS solutions may work for a variety of other proxy filters...
- [9/27/2002] It is reported that blocked sites can be accessed in the browser by entering them in the following format:
http://cleansite.com@blockedsite.comThat is, substitute the domain name of any non-blocked sited, followed by an @ and the blocked URL. (This format is used by most browsers to supply a username and password to FTP sites, but can be included in HTTP URLs as well.) Presumably, the filtering software assumes that the '@' and everything following it is not part of the domain name and should not be checked.
- Since this is a proxy-based censorware program, you can most likely access blocked pages by accessing them through an anonymizing proxy. Unfortunately, BESS already blocks most of them. If you're CGI-savvy, you can setup a CGI script on another (unblocked) server that will forward you the requested page. A new (beta, at the time of this writing)
document from Peacefireprovides instructions for setting up your own circumvention proxy.
- You can also access pages thru
AltaVista's translator. Copy the URL into it, select [(any language) to English] (or whatever your language preference) and press Translate. It doesn't matter if the page is already in that language. The page will be displayed thru Altavista's server, bypassing the URL checker.
- A final tip, found on the
Anti-Bess Guestbook, is as follows:
At my school we found away to get around bess which is pretty easy, it may be different at your school. Are school uses bess to supposedly block inapropriate materials, what a joke. We use netscape Navigator to access the internet but you can do this in Interent Explorer too. In Netscape click on the edit section on the top of your screen and move your mouse down to preferences and click. Once the Preference screen pops up click the + sign on the advanced section. Then once the advanced area expands you will see a section that says proxies. click on it. Then there will be 3 bullets. Place the bullet in the one that says manual proxy configuration. Then click the button that says view. Then the manual proxy configuration window will pop up. Copy the data in the http text box and paste it in the socks text box. Change the last number of the data you pasted to a 3. Then delete everthing in the http and security text boxes. Now trying going to a web site that was once blocked and poof bess is no longer monitoring or blocking what you do on the interent. This worked at my school, maybe it will work at yours. email me at Slacker_17@graffiti.net if it worked or have any other ideas to get around bess. It no longer works at my school because they called in some so called security expert to fix the loop whole but we will find a new way. WE CAN NOT BE CENSORED.Anyway, try fiddling with your browser's proxy settings, particularly if it's someone such as parents (as opposed to a school admin. or boss) who installed the software. They are typically not too knowledgeable when it comes to these things, and will likely have left loopholes open :)
Censorware Not Listed
- Since many censorware products have built-in security schemes to resist hack attacks, deleting files or registry keys at random will probably cause the program to strand you without any internet access, and probably snitch to your parents/sysadmin that you've been tampering with the systemfiles. Your best bet is to get ahold of the administrative password that disables the software or allows you to surf without censorship. Since parents like to write down passwords, and often assume children are too stupid to go looking for them, you'll likely find a nice unencrypted master password in Mommy's purse or some other obvious place. Network administrators (if you're beating censorware in a school or office lab) are a more crafty bunch and will typically manage their passwords more securely.
If you know that your parent/admin sometimes types in the password, put a key logger program onto your system. Key loggers monitor all keystrokes and save them to a file you can read later...you'll see everything that's been typed, including the censorware password.
Uninstall Net Nanny
Sources cited: This information acquired from the following sources:1:
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