Install Minecraft 1.8.9 Forge 2017

Minecraft Forge 1.7 – 1.16.1 Minecraft Forge is an API created in July 2011 by Spacetoad, and allows users to easily install many mods on Minecraft while avoiding incompatibilities as much as possible. It also provides modders with many features to deeply modify Minecraft. Download the Minecraft Forge installer (for the appropriate Minecraft version) here. Run the installer. Go into your Minecraft directory and create a new folder called 'mods' (without the quotations). If you are unfamiliar with your Minecraft directory, take a look at this page. By ValhelsiaTeam. 2.3M Downloads Updated Apr 20, 2021 Created Jan 9, 2020. Valhelsia 2 is a 1.15.2 modpack with a mix of technology, magic, exploration and adventure. All of Fabric 3 - 1.16.5.

I recently got a new computer that my son wanted to play Minecraft on. Minecraft requires the Java runtime to be installed but with it’s memory, security and updating issues Java was one headache I didn’t want to have on this new machine. Lucky for me Mojang recently created a new version of their Minecraft launcher that includes it’s own version of Java. This version is isolated in the Minecraft installation directory and does not require installing Java on it’s own.

But then my son asked me about mods. He’s always used Forge for mods but when I tried installing Forge I got an error sayin that Java must be installed to run the Forge installer. So now I was back to my original Java problem: how do I install something that requires Java without installing the Java runtime?

Install minecraft 1.8.9 forge 2017 mac

The answer turned out to be quite simple: leverage the version of Java that was installed with Minecraft. Here’s how to do it in Windows 10. I’m sure Mac OSX is similar. Remember that before running a Forge installer fo any version of Minecraft you must first run that version of Minecraft on your machine.

  1. Go to the Forge website ( and download the .jar file for the version of Forge you want to install. This will be the version indicated by the word “Installer”. DO NOT download the “Installer-win” version. Save the file to the following directory:
    C:Program Files (x86)Minecraftruntimejre-x641.8.0_25bin
    Note that your directory structure may be slightly different depending on which version of Java was included with the Minecraft installer you used. The main idea here is that the .jar file should be in the bin subdirectory of the Java install within your Mincraft installation (located in the runtime subdirectory of the install directory).
  2. Open up a command prompt (cmd) and go to the directory you just saved the .jar file to. Using the example above this command would be as follows:
    cd Program Files (x86)Minecraftruntimejre-x641.8.0_25bin
  3. Use the version of Java in this directory to run the Forge installer in the .jar file. To do this type the following:
    java -jar forge-1.7.10-
    Substitute the name of your .jar file in place of the one in this command.

Install Minecraft 1.8.9 Forge 2017 Calendar

This will run the Forge installer. The rest of the details of how to complete the Forge install are well documented in other places so I won’t repeat them here.

Tags: forge, minecraft

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Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 will be an important resource tool for anyone looking for customizing their Minecraft game using mods. Everyone is building mods for Minecraft, the game has been launched. Before the updates, there was only one game mode. So people adjusted the mode that is useful to create other mods and made it user-friendly. This is a tool where you can Code thins and stuff!

Minecraft Forge

The successor of Modloader is now available in the name of Minecraft Forge. It is an open-source utility or a mod layer for the Minecraft. It is packed with a lot of modification features that allow both the developers and players to create mods.

Install minecraft 1.8.9 forge 2017 calendar

The current Minecraft version needs Forge to install any mod or resource packs. Survival and hardcore game modes were launched and over time, the group had many more possibilities that can be added to Minecraft and to the conventional game encounter.

However, Minecraft Forge is more than a mod loading tool. In addition, it ensures compatibility with participants in the Forge API who are currently building their mods. It improves mods built by the players even if the mod is built with no compatibility. Due to the updated GUI, Forge can notify people of improperly installed mod games before crashing.

Minecraft Forge is a great modeling resource that helps participants create Minecraft mods. It is not compatible with Modloader, so there is no attempt to actually play with both applications.

How to install Minecraft Forge

Here we show you how to install the Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 program on your Windows or Mac Computer.

Step 1: First you need to download Minecraft Forge.

Step 2: Open your browser and go to this site: this will directly take you to the download page of the latest version of Minecraft Forge.

Step 3: Now choose the latest version and click on the installer button and the file will get downloaded.

        • If you are using Windows, then click on the Windows Installer button.
        • If you are using Mac, then click on the box-shaped installer button.

Minecraft Forge installation for Windows

Install Minecraft 1.8.9 Forge 2017

Step 1: Double-click on the Downloaded Forge file. If it asks to install Java, then visit: to download the Java file. Once the file is downloaded, install it.

Step 2: Now again try to install Minecraft Forge.

Step 3: Select Install client and hit ok.

Step 4: A prompt will appear for confirmation. Click OK to complete the installation process.

Minecraft Forge installation for Mac

Step 1: Before proceeding, go to the system preference >> Security & Privacy.

Step 2: Click on the lock icon (for doing this change you may have to enter your administrator password for continuing).

Step 3: Click on Open Anyway.

Install Minecraft 1.8.9 Forge 2017 Mac

Step 4: Double-click on the Forge file.

Step 5: Select Install client and hit ok.

Step 6: A prompt will appear for confirmation. Click OK to complete the installation process.

That’s all about the Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 tool and its installation process. If you have any doubts are queries, feel free to contact us.

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