This Fallout 3 Guide is pretty much completed, and covers most quests, but who knows when it can ever hit 100%, as I do all of this on my own and Fallout 3 is a massive game. The walkthrough is however, fully functional and I must state my progress through the game thus far.
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All Fallout 3 speedruns will start this way unless specified in a separate speedrun category of the game. To create this autosave you must first start a new game, after creating your character the game will move you to the next area. Don't move, wait for the autosave to generate. Once the game creates the autosave, load it, and create a. Fallout 3 is a spectacle of a game! Putting you into the boots of a vault dweller being shoved out by the disappearance of your father in Fallout 3 is a spectacle of a game! Putting you into the boots of a vault dweller being shoved out by the disappearance of your father in search for him, it truly makes you feel that you are in an apocalyptic.
The game takes place in the year 2277, 200 years after the Great War, on the East Coast of what used to be the United States.
Key Features:
• View the locations of all marked places, bobbleheads, and unique items on the map.
• Choose any location in the scrolling list - its icon on the map will be highlighted by a red border so you can easily see it among others, and also read the description of the location.
• Any location can be selected directly on the map (its icon will be highlighted by a red border) and in the information box above the map will be open a description.
Fallout 3 locations
- Abandoned Car Fort
- Agatha's House
- Alexandria Arms
- Alien Homing Beacon (Mothership Zeta)
- Anacostia Crossing
- Anchorage Memorial
- Andale
- AntAgonizer Lair
- Arefu
- Arlington Cemetery North
- Arlington Cemetery South
- Arlington Library
- Bailey's Crossroads (Operation: Anchorage)
- Bethesda Ruins
- Big Town
- Broadcast Tower KB5
- Broadcast Tower KT8
- Broadcast Tower LP8
- Canterbury Commons
- Charnel House
- Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
- Chevy Chase East
- Chevy Chase North
- Chryslus Building
- Cliffside Cavern
- Clifftop Shacks
- Corvega Factory
- County Sewer Mainline
- Deathclaw Sanctuary
- Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
- Drowned Devil's Crossing
- Dukov's Place
- Dunwich Building
- Dupont East
- Dupont Northeast
- Dupont Station
- Dupont West
- Everglow National Campground
- Evergreen Mills
- F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
- Faded Pomp Estates
- Fairfax Ruins
- Falls Church East
- Falls Church Metro
- Falls Church North
- Farragut West Metro Station
- Five Axles Rest Stop
- Flooded Metro (Arlington/Wasteland)
- Flooded Metro
- Fordham Flash Memorial Field
- Fort Bannister
- Fort Constantine
- Fort Independence
- Friendship Heights
- GNR Building Plaza
- Georgetown East
- Georgetown North
- Georgetown South
- Georgetown West
- Germantown Police HQ
- Girdershade
- Grayditch
- Greener Pastures Disposal Site
- Grisly Diner
- Hallowed Moors Cemetery
- Hamilton's Hideaway
- Holy Light Monastery (Broken Steel)
- Hubris Comics
- Irradiated Metro
- Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal
- Jefferson Memorial
- Jocko's Pop & Gas stop
- Jury Street Metro Station
- Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast
- L'Enfant Plaza
- L'Enfant South
- Lincoln Memorial
- Little Lamplight
- MDPL Mass Relay Station
- MDPL-05 Power Station
- MDPL-13 Power Station
- MDPL-16 Power Station
- MDPL-21 Power Station
- Mall Northwest
- Mall Southwest
- Mama Dolce's
- Marigold Station
- Mason District South
- Mason Dixon Salvage
- Megaton
- Meresti Trainyard
- Metro Central
- Minefield
- Montgomery County Reservoir
- Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
- Mount Mabel Camp Ground
- Museum Authority Building (Broken Steel)
- Museum of History
- Museum of Technology
- National Guard Depot
- Northwest Seneca Station
- Nuka-Cola Plant
- Oasis
- Old Olney
- Our Lady of Hope Hospital
- Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage)
- Paradise Falls
- Penn. Ave East
- Penn. Ave North
- Penn. Ave Northwest
- Penn. Ave South
- Radio Tower (The Pitt)
- Ranger Compound
- Raven Rock
- Reclining Groves Resort Homes
- Red Racer Factory
- Regulator HQ
- Relay Tower KX-B8-11
- Riverboat Landing (Point Lookout)
- Rivet City
- RobCo Facility
- Robot Repair Center
- Rock Creek Caverns
- Rockbreaker's Last Gas
- Rockland Car Tunnel (Broken Steel)
- Rockopolis
- Roosevelt Academy
- SatCom Array NN-03d
- SatCom Array NW-05a
- SatCom Array NW-07c
- Scrapyard
- Seward Sq. North Metro
- Seward Sq. Northwest
- Seward Sq. Southeast
- Sewer Waystation
- Shalebridge
- Smith Casey's Garage
- Springvale
- Springvale School
- Super-Duper Mart
- Takoma Industrial
- Takoma Park
- Temple of the Union
- Tenpenny Tower
- Tepid Sewers
- The Capitol Building
- The Citadel
- The Mall Northeast
- The National Archives
- The Overlook Drive-In
- The Republic of Dave
- The Silver Lining Drive-In
- The Statesman Hotel
- The Washington Monument
- Train Tunnel (The Pitt)
- VAPL-58 Power Station
- VAPL-66 Power Station
- VAPL-84 Power Station
- Vault 87
- Vault 92
- Vault 101
- Vault 106
- Vault 108
- Vault-Tec Headquarters
- Vernon Square East
- Vernon Square North
- Vernon Square Station
- WKML Broadcast Station
- Warrington Station
- Warrington Trainyard
- Wheaton Armory
- White House
- White House Plaza (Broken Steel)
- Wilhelm's Wharf
- Yao Guai Tunnels
To reduce the number of locations in the above list please type the start of your Location name in the box below.
Select a location for viewing in the list left
Abandoned Car Fort
Abandoned Car Fort is a deserted fortification constructed of wrecked cars on top of a highway.
Notable loot:
- a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor next to the bed.
- a copy of D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine and a Stealth Boy to the south from car fort.
Agatha's House
Agatha's House is a home of an old woman named Agatha. She is a violinist who broadcasts her music across the Capital Wasteland through her late husband's radio transmitter. This place is on the caravan route, and can be easily spotted by the radio transmission tower rising above the cliffs surrounding the house.
Related quest: Agatha's Song (Recover the Soil Stradivarius from Vault 92).
Radio Signal: Agatha's Station, which is broadcasting classical violin music played and recorded by Agatha.
Notable loot: A hard-locked ammunition box. It can be picked open, or you can get the key to it from Agatha with an easy Speech check, or a high Charisma, or the Lady Killer perk.
Alexandria Arms
Alexandria Arms is an abandoned two-story hotel and conference center. The building is occupied by raiders and littered with traps.
There is a spawn point for Enclave soldiers to the south of the Alexandria Arms' doorway. A vertibird will spawn there every 72 in game hours and drop 2-3 Enclave soldiers.
Notable loot: Duck and Cover!, Guns and Bullets, Pre-War book (1), Nuka-Cola Quantum (1).
Alien Homing Beacon (Mothership Zeta)
In the original version of the game this is an unmarked location that contains the remains of an alien recon craft (Theta).
With the Mothership Zeta add-on you receive a radio transmission which will lead you to the alien crash site, where you will be abducted by the aliens.
Notable loot: Alien blaster, Alien power cells (120).
Anacostia Crossing
Anacostia Crossing is a location where the player will be ambushed by Talon Company mercs or Regulators, if player's Karma is not neutral. The Metro station below is inhabited by several raiders. Its tunnels allow transit to The Mall and Seward Square.
Metro exits: Anacostia Crossing Station (connects to The Mall and Seward Square).
Notable loot: a copy of Pugilism Illustrated in the northern end of the upper level, on a table.
Anchorage Memorial
Anchorage Memorial is an underground building located on a man-made island in the middle of the Potomac River, underneath a bronze monument commemorating the battles at the Anchorage Front Line in Alaska. The Memorial is inhabited by mirelurks.
Cells: Anchorage Memorial Facility, Anchorage Memorial Facility Bay, Memorial Facility Offices, Memorial Service Entrance.
Related quest: The Wasteland Survival Guide (Place the Observer in a spawning pod in the Anchorage War Memorial).
Notable loot:
- Anchorage Memorial facility: a copy of D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine in the clinic area; Door component and Dean's Electronics inside the safe; Pre-War books (3).
- Memorial service entrance:
- In the utility closet: Anchorage stash key, Anchorage War Memorial stash (holotape), U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes, The Tenderizer, Nuka-Cola Quantum (1);
- In the secret freezer compartment: Recipe - mirelurk cakes and 300 caps.
Andale is a small town. It holds a very dark secret...
Inhabitants: Old Man Harris, Jack Smith, Linda Smith, Junior Smith, Willy Wilson, Martha Wilson, Jenny Wilson.
Buildings: Old Man Harris' House, The Smith's House, The Wilson's House, Garden Shed.
Unmarked quest: Our Little Secret (Uncover the secrets of Andale's residents).
Notable loot: a copy of Grognak the Barbarian in the Smith's basement, a copy of Dean's Electronics in the back of a truck down the road (east of Andale).
AntAgonizer Lair
AntAgonizer Lair is a hideout of the AntAgonizer.
Inhabitants: The AntAgonizer and Giant Ants.
Cells: Canterbury Tunnels, AntAgonizer's Lair.
Related quest: The Superhuman Gambit.
Notable loot:
- Canterbury Tunnels: Stealth Boy (1).
- AntAgonizer's Lair: Nuka-Cola Quantum (1); the unique armor, The AntAgonizer's Costume; the unique knife, Ant's Sting, which is presented as a reward by the AntAgonizer for defeating the Mechanist.
Arefu is a small settlement located on top of a crumbling overpass bridge running across the Potomac River.
Inhabitants: Evan King, Brailee Ewers, Ken Ewers, Karen Schenzy, Alan, Ian West, Davis West, Matilda West.
Buildings: Evan King's House, Ewer Residence, Schenzy Residence, West Residence, Abandoned Residence.
Related quest: Blood Ties.
Notable loot:
- Evan King's House: Bobblehead - Repair.
- Abandoned Residence: Pugilism Illustrated.
Arlington Cemetery North
Arlington Cemetery North is most of what remains of the Arlington District, including Arlington National Cemetery. In the center of the cemetery rises the Arlington House that contains Junders Plunkett (if you have taken the Lawbringer perk).
Metro exits: Arlington/Wasteland Metro (connects to the Flooded Metro near Wilhelm's Wharf), Arlington Utility (connects to the DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac).
Buildings: Arlington House.
Notable loot:
- Arlington utility: U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.
- Arlington house: the unique spiked knuckles, Plunkett's Valid Points; Bobblehead - Luck; Big Book of Science; Bottlecap Mine.
Arlington Cemetery South
Arlington Cemetery South is most of what remains of the Arlington District, including Arlington National Cemetery. To the east located Mama Dolce's Food Industry that contains several Chinese remnant soldiers.
Metro exits: Arlington/Falls Church Metro (connects to the Falls Church North).
Notable loot:
- Arlington/Falls Church Metro: U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.
Arlington Library
Arlington Library is a public library building mostly occupied by raiders, whose position is threatened by the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers in the front lobby.
Cells: Lobby, Children's Wing, Media Archive.
Related quests: The Wasteland Survival Guide (Access the card catalog at the Arlington Public Library), Stealing Independence (Bring Button Gwinnett the ink), Agatha's Song (Bring Agatha the sheet music book), Yearning for Learning (Scribe Yearling is searching for pre-War books).
Notable loot:
- Exterior: Guns and Bullets in the Pulowski Preservation shelter.
- Lobby: Big Book of Science, Stealth Boy (1), pre-War books (3), fresh apple (1).
- Media Archive: Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, Tumblers Today, pre-War books (2), Nuka-Cola Quantum (1), ink container in the 'Restoration Supplies' box.
- Children's Wing: Lying, Congressional Style; Guns and Bullets; Sheet music book; pre-War books (5).
Bailey's Crossroads (Operation: Anchorage)
Bailey's Crossroads appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage.
Bailey's Crossroads is a district inhabited by the Super Mutants and Brotherhood Outcasts. It consists of the metro exit, a small plaza, a large ruined building as well as an elevator to the Outcast outpost. This area can be reached through Bailey's Crossroads Metro.
Metro exits: Bailey's Crossroads Metro (connects to the Red Racer Factory).
Buildings: Outcast Outpost.
Related quest: Aiding the Outcasts.
Bethesda Ruins
Bethesda Ruins consists of two office buildings with a walkway connecting them. There are raiders everywhere. To the north is the Metro Station entrance to the Underworks. The Underworks are populated by the feral ghouls.
Metro exits: Bethesda Underworks.
Buildings: Bethesda Offices West, Bethesda Offices East.
Notable loot:
- Bethesda Offices West: Big Book of Science, Dean's Electronics, Stealth Boy (2), Pre-War books (2), Mini nuke (1).
- Bethesda Offices East: Bobblehead - Lockpick; Chinese Army: Special Op Training Manual; U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes held by a raider wielding a flamer; Mini nuke (1).
- Bethesda Underworks: Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, Grognak the Barbarian, Nuka-Cola Quantum (1), Stealth Boy (1), Mini nuke (1).
Big Town
Big Town is a small town surrounded by a makeshift wall. It population is mostly comprised of teenagers which were former residents of Little Lamplight. The Big Town has been ravaged by Slavers and Super Mutants, who view it as an easy target.
Inhabitants: Red (leader, doctor and merchant), Pappy (repairman), Bittercup, Dusty, Flash, Kimba, Shorty, Timebomb, Sticky (after completing quest Happy Birthday to You).

Buildings: Red's Clinic, Common House, Clubhouse, Town Hall.
Related quests: Big Trouble in Big Town, Strictly Business, The Replicated Man, Happy Birthday to You.
Notable loot: a copy of D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine in the Red's Clinic, Lucky 8-ball (can be obtained from Timebomb).
Broadcast Tower KB5
Broadcast Tower KB5 is a broadcast tower on a hill. Just southeast and beneath of the tower you will find the entrance to the Drainage Chamber.
Radio Signal: Alfa Lima, which is broadcasting Morse code if the player reactivates the KB5 tower.
Notable loot:
- Drainage Chamber: Tumblers Today, Pre-War book (1).
- Camp of raiders that situated to southwest down the hill: Grognak the Barbarian, Stealth Boy (1).
- Ruined house west of the KB5 tower: Tumblers Today, Mini nuke (1).
Broadcast Tower KT8
This is a broadcast tower guarded by several Super Mutants. It consists of a radio antenna and its generator. North of the tower you will find the entrance to the Drainage Chamber.
Radio Signal: Signal Sierra Romeo, which is broadcasting Morse code if the player reactivates the KT8 tower.
Notable loot in the Drainage Chamber: a copy of Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual; two Pre-War books; a Mini nuke; a Chinese Commando Hat and two Chinese Jumpsuits on the dead Chinese remnant spies.
Broadcast Tower LP8
Broadcast Tower LP8 consists of a radio antenna and a generator behind a metal fence. Northeast of the tower you will find the entrance to the Sealed Cistern.
Radio Signal: Signal Echo Foxtrot, which is broadcasting Morse code if the player reactivates the LP8 tower.
Notable loot in the Sealed Cistern: a copy of Big Book of Science.
Canterbury Commons
Canterbury Commons is a small town founded by Uncle Roe and his sister Daisy as a trading center for caravan merchants in the Capital Wasteland.
Inhabitants: Uncle Roe (repairman), Derek Pacion, Joe Porter (merchant), Dominic D'Ellsadro, Machete.
Buildings: Dominic and Machete's House, Ernest 'Uncle' Roe's House.
Related quests: The Superhuman Gambit, Merchant Empire.
Notable loot inside Dominic and Machete's garage: a copy of Dean's Electronics and Highwayman's Friend, the unique tire iron.
Charnel House
This is a ruined two-level building occupied by raiders. To the north-northwest of Charnel House is a ruined house inhabited by a scavenger. Just to the west of Charnel House can be found a broadcast tower and Drainage Chamber with Signal Papa November.
Radio Signal: Signal Papa November, which is broadcasting Morse code if the player reactivates the broadcast tower.
Notable loot:
- Charnel House: a copy of Duck and Cover! upstairs.
- Drainage Chamber: a copy of Pugilism Illustrated.
- Scavenger's house: a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum and two Pre-War books.
Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
This is a ruined farm occupied by raiders. The farm includes an old grain silo.
Notable loot:
- In the old grain silo: a copy of Pugilism Illustrated.
- On the second floor of the barn: a copy of Grognak the Barbarian.
- Five Nuka-Cola Quantums in a crashed Nuka-Cola delivery truck to the west of the farm and a copy of Guns and Bullets inside a mailbox next to the Nuka-Cola truck.
Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase is a section of Washington, D.C., located in the north part of the city. Walking towards GNR Building Plaza for the first time will trigger a battle between Super Mutants (one of the five known Super Mutant Behemoths will spawn here) and Lyons' Pride trying to protect Galaxy News Radio.
World map markers: Chevy Chase East, Chevy Chase North, GNR Building Plaza.
Metro exits: Metro Junction (world map exits: Dupont Circle (Dupont Northeast) and Vernon Square (Vernon Square North and Vernon Square Station)), Tenleytown/Friendship Station (connects to: Farragut West Station; world map exit: Friendship Heights).
Buildings: Early Dawn Elementary (a pre-War elementary school), Galaxy News Radio.
Related quests: Following in His Footsteps, Galaxy News Radio.
Notable loot: three suits of power armor and helmets can be gathered from the dead Brotherhood of Steel soldiers.
Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase is a section of Washington, D.C., located in the north part of the city. Walking towards GNR Building Plaza for the first time will trigger a battle between Super Mutants (one of the five known Super Mutant Behemoths will spawn here) and Lyons' Pride trying to protect Galaxy News Radio.
World map markers: Chevy Chase East, Chevy Chase North, GNR Building Plaza.
Metro exits: Metro Junction (world map exits: Dupont Circle (Dupont Northeast) and Vernon Square (Vernon Square North and Vernon Square Station)), Tenleytown/Friendship Station (connects to: Farragut West Station; world map exit: Friendship Heights).
Buildings: Early Dawn Elementary (a pre-War elementary school), Galaxy News Radio.
Related quests: Following in His Footsteps, Galaxy News Radio.
Notable loot: three suits of power armor and helmets can be gathered from the dead Brotherhood of Steel soldiers.
Chryslus Building
The Chryslus Building is a ruined office building located on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. It was the head office of Chryslus Motors, which manufactured automobiles before the Great War of 2077. Now it has become a stronghold for Super Mutants and Centaurs.
Cells: Chryslus Building Reception Area, Chryslus Building Lower Offices, Chryslus Building Basement.
Notable loot:
- Reception Area: a copy of Guns and Bullets, a scoped .44 magnum, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum.
- Lower Offices: a copy of Pugilism Illustrated, a Stealth Boy, and a Pre-War book.
- Basement: a copy of Big Book of Science and a Stealth Boy.
Cliffside Cavern
Cliffside Cavern is a large cavern inhabited by raiders and yao guai.
Cells: Raider Outpost, Yao Guai Cave.
Notable loot:
- Raider Outpost: a copy of Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual, a copy of Grognak the Barbarian, a Mini Nuke, a Pre-War book, and a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum.
- Yao Guai Cave: a copy of Schematics - Nuka Grenade.
Clifftop Shacks
Clifftop Shacks is a camp populated by Super Mutants. It consists of two shacks.
Notable loot:
- Northern Shack: a copy of Grognak the Barbarian, a Pre-War book, Board of Education (a unique nail board).
- Southern Shack: a copy of Pugilism Illustrated.
Corvega Factory
Before the Great War, this facility manufactured a popular line of car models in the pre-War USA, the Corvega line. Now the factory is inhabited by Giant Ants. At the southern end of the factory is a Giant Ant Queen.
Cells: Corvega Factory - Entrance, Corvega Factory.
Notable loot:
- Corvega Factory - Entrance: a copy of Lying, Congressional Style, a copy of Big Book of Science.
- Corvega Factory: a copy of Dean's Electronics.
- In an overturned semi-truck to the south of the factory: a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes, a copy of Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual, and a Mini Nuke.
County Sewer Mainline
(Unmarked location) County Sewer Mainline is a sewage tunnel that can be accessed from a sewage grate along the Potomac River or inside Sewer Waystation. It is the home of a hostile ghoul named Gallo.
Notable loot: a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor (carried by Gallo), a copy of Big Book of Science, a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum, four pre-War books, and a Stealth Boy.
Deathclaw Sanctuary
Deathclaw Sanctuary is a cave maze inhabited by deathclaws.
Notable loot:
- Exterior: a copy of Duck and Cover! in a locked footlocker (average) right outside the cave entrance.
- Interior: Bobblehead - Endurance; a copy of Nikola Tesla and You; a Mini Nuke; a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum; a unique Gatling Laser, Vengeance, in the far southeast of the cave; a unique variant of the Ripper, Jack, on a dead Enclave officer in the southern part of the cave (only after completing quest The Waters of Life).
Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel is a ruined church. The Drifter inhabits the chapel's upper level attacking anything that gets close.
Notable loot: a copy of Guns and Bullets on the ground; the unique Reservist's Rifle and the Oasis Coordinates Holotape on the Drifter.
Drowned Devil's Crossing
Drowned Devil's Crossing is a small, collapsed bridge, running over a gorge with a small irradiated creek. A red and yellow truck is overturned to the west of the bridge.
Notable loot: a copy of Tumblers Today in the truck.

Dukov's Place
Dunwich Building
Dupont East
Dupont Northeast
Dupont Station
Dupont West
Everglow National Campground
Evergreen Mills
F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
Faded Pomp Estates
Fairfax Ruins
Falls Church East
Falls Church Metro
Falls Church North
Farragut West Metro Station
Five Axles Rest Stop
Flooded Metro (Arlington/Wasteland)
Flooded Metro
Fordham Flash Memorial Field
Fort Bannister
Fort Constantine
Fort Independence
Friendship Heights
GNR Building Plaza
Georgetown East
Georgetown North
Georgetown South
Georgetown West
Germantown Police HQ
Greener Pastures Disposal Site
Grisly Diner
Hallowed Moors Cemetery
Hamilton's Hideaway
Holy Light Monastery (Broken Steel)
Hubris Comics
Irradiated Metro
Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal
Jefferson Memorial
Jocko's Pop & Gas stop
Jury Street Metro Station
Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast
L'Enfant Plaza
L'Enfant South
Little Lamplight
Lincoln Memorial
MDPL Mass Relay Station
MDPL-05 Power Station
MDPL-13 Power Station
MDPL-16 Power Station
MDPL-21 Power Station
Mall Northwest
Mall Southwest
Mama Dolce's
Marigold Station
Mason District South
Mason Dixon Salvage
Meresti Trainyard
Metro Central
Montgomery County Reservoir
Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
Mount Mabel Camp Ground
Museum Authority Building (Broken Steel)
Museum of History
Museum of Technology
National Guard Depot
Northwest Seneca Station
Nuka-Cola Plant
Old Olney
Our Lady of Hope Hospital
Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage)
Paradise Falls
Penn. Ave East
Penn. Ave North
Penn. Ave Northwest
Penn. Ave South
Radio Tower (The Pitt)
Ranger Compound
Raven Rock
Reclining Groves Resort Homes
Red Racer Factory
Regulator HQ
Relay Tower KX-B8-11
Riverboat Landing (Point Lookout)
Rivet City
RobCo Facility
Robot Repair Center
Rock Creek Caverns
Rockbreaker's Last Gas
Rockland Car Tunnel (Broken Steel)
Roosevelt Academy
SatCom Array NN-03d
SatCom Array NW-05a
SatCom Array NW-07c
Seward Sq. North Metro
Seward Sq. Northwest
Seward Sq. Southeast
Sewer Waystation
Smith Casey's Garage
Springvale School
Super-Duper Mart
Fallout 3 Bobblehead Locations
Takoma Industrial
Takoma Park
Temple of the Union
Tenpenny Tower
Tepid Sewers
The Capitol Building
The Citadel
The Mall Northeast
Fallout 3 Dlc
The National Archives
The Overlook Drive-In
The Republic of Dave
The Silver Lining Drive-In
The Statesman Hotel
The Washington Monument
Train Tunnel (The Pitt)
VAPL-58 Power Station
VAPL-66 Power Station
VAPL-84 Power Station
Vault 87
Vault 92
Vault 101
Vault 106
Vault 108
Vault-Tec Headquarters
Vernon Square East
Vernon Square North
Vernon Square Station
WKML Broadcast Station
Warrington Station
Warrington Trainyard
Wheaton Armory
White House
White House Plaza (Broken Steel)
Wilhelm's Wharf
Yao Guai Tunnels
Fallout 3 Vault Boy bobbleheads
See on the map below.
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